
Bringing It All Home

There’s enough in life to worry about without your home or property occupying head space. Haus Property Partners takes care of the details, the paperwork, and the repairs, so you can live easy. Professional management and personal care brings it all home for you.

Our Fee Structure Is Simple

Leasing Services include marketing, property showings, and tenant screenings for a flat fee based on a percentage of the property monthly rent.

Full Service Management includes everything except the kitchen sink (rental humor, the sink belongs to you!) We only get paid when we are doing our main job: collecting rent, keeping up on property maintenance, and helping ensure tenants enjoy a positive experience.

Individual services have standard set rates on an as needed basis. You can be as involved as much as you want, or not at all.

Convenient and Innovative Service

We use technology to increase efficiency and offer modern conveniences for our partners.

Tenants have access to one time or recurring scheduled online electronic funds transfer rent payments, online maintenance requests and updates, payment history, and leasing documents.

Online Tenant Portal

Owners have access to monthly property income statements, monthly owner payments via electronic funds transfer directly from our bank to your bank, maintenance requests, and receipts for work completed as well as end of the year tax statements.

Online Property Owner Portal